Online Daylong Retreat: Sense Restraint
On Sunday, July 31, Upavana will host an online daylong retreat via ZOOM. (
Tahn Pamutto will be leading the program, centered around practicing with Sense Restraint. Despite the imposing name, this skill of the path is both joyful and liberating, helping us find a place of relaxation in a chaotic and ever-shifting world.
The program will include instruction, guided meditation, sitting and walking meditation, and will have a Q & A session in the evening.
(All times EDT) 9-9:30am – Dhamma Talk, “The Chicken Cage”
9:30-10am – Guided Meditation
10-10:45 – Walking Meditation
10:45-11:45 Sitting Meditation
1:30-2:00pm – Dhamma Talk, “The Unexpected Stability”
2-5pm – Alternating Sitting and Walking Meditation
6:30-7 – Q & A
7-8pm – Evening Meditation
8pm – Closing Remarks