The weekend after next, June 25-27, Upavana will hold it’s first meditation retreat. The retreat will be held in person for a small group, and also available online for those who want to participate in real-time or run the retreat according to their own timezone. Those who would like to attend in person should contact [email protected], while the online info will be posted sometime next week.
The program will start Friday night with the usual Uposatha program – meditation at 8pm EDT, chance to take the Refuges and Precepts, and a talk outlining the schedule and theme by Tahn Pamutto. The theme for this retreat will be: “Anapanasati and Developing Samadhi”. There will be no extended meditation after the talk like other Uposatha’s.
Saturday the program will run from 9am – 8pm EDT, and Sunday from 9am – 5pm. There will be a Q&A session Saturday evening during tea time, and the opportunity to check in with a teacher on Sunday.
The ongoing mission of Upavana is the development of community and practice, and retreats are an important facet! Periodically stopping the outward movements and activity and moving inward is essential to preserving the integrity of our aspiration for peace. If your schedule allows, give it a try!