Tahn Pamutto is in NYC this month. This means that while all Upavana’s regular online programming will continue, there aren’t plans for any in-person meditations or retreats for our friends in Western Mass. The option is open, but chances are things will remain quiet until the New Year.
This evening, on the occasion of the Half-Moon, we’ll be having our biweekly Lay Sangha Chat. (https://upavana.org/events/lay-sangha-chat/) It will be at least from 7-9pm EST, or later depending on who is around. This gathering started some weeks ago, when Tahn Pamutto was unable to make it to the regular Wednesday Tea Time. Instead of immediately disbanding, the group stayed and had a long involved dhamma conversation. Our friend Ryan stepped forward willing to facilitate a regular biweekly meeting for lay practitioners to gather and talk about practice and life. And Adrianna helped organize the event listings.
If you have some free time tonight, consider dropping in for some portion. There are a million things we can do with our spare time, but how many of these guarantee us the chance to interact with other buddhists and dhamma enthusiasts?
Meanwhile, Tahn Pamutto is doing the same on the ground in NYC, reconnecting with friends from earlier in the year and dropping in on a new sitting group they’ve put together. This is even on top of all the wonderful interactions with the Indonesian Buddhist Family and Wat Thai Thavorn communities. Beyond just gathering for formal practice, part of the joy has been getting together for tea beforehand or going for walks in the city. When there is Sangha, we should draw close!