
Nov 19 2023


All Day

Daylong Retreat “Making Sense of the Senses”

Join Tahn Pamutto and friends for an online daylong retreat in the Upavana Zoom, Sunday, Nov 19.  Come for all or part, or catch the recordings on Youtube afterwards when your schedule allows.  The theme of the day will be “Making Sense of the Senses”.  The day’s reflections will expand on the Buddhist concepts of the Six Sense Bases and their objects — how to develop an understanding of them as well as how to relate to them in practice.

A great, very full sutta on this subject is found in MN 137:  The Analysis of the Sense Bases.

(all times EST)

9am – Refuges and Precepts, Opening Reflection

9:45am-12pm – Sitting and Walking (zoom room open)

1pm-2pm – Optional Check-ins

2:00-5pm – Guided Meditation, Sitting and Walking

5pm – Discussion/ Q&A

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