

My grandfather passed away when I was nine years old, and I remember attending the funeral service and hearing my father get up in front of a large group of friends and family and give a moving eulogy. It really struck me at the time because he was such a good speaker, so confident and

Courage Read More »


The tea time conversation this last week turned into a lively discussion of our transient mindstates. Every day, we see our thoughts coming and going, and with them our moods rise and fall. As practitioners encouraged to develop wholesome thoughts and patterns, it’s easy to be confused as to which direction ‘wholesome’ lies in. We

Equanimity Read More »

Why the Suffering, Mate?

Hanging out with Buddhist monastics is not always what one might consider uplifting. The conversation will start amicably enough, the weather or what so-and-so said, but it’s really just a matter of time before it wanders into areas where most casual conversations abruptly die. Aging, sickness, death, and loss. Inevitably, the conversation will move to

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Sickness and Health

Vihara Parivara Dhamma’s weekly Sunday morning program. This week’s topic: “Sickness and Health” by Bhante Pamutto. “I am of the nature to sicken, I have not gone beyond sickness.” This is something the Buddha encourages us to reflect upon every day, to develop wisdom into the realities of life. Yet how do we do this,

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