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Tahn Pamutto reflects on the major teaching found throughout all strands of Buddhist thought - that of the categorizing of ...
In response to a question on 'jhana', by Tahn Pamutto on June 12 2024: What is jhana?  Jhana is... Well ...
On the Uposatha, Tahn Pamutto reflects on the wide and impactful subject of kamma or Action. The three types (Mental, ...
(Excerpt from Wednesday chat, May 2024) Tahn Pamutto:  The Buddha talks about “equanimity based on diversity” and “equanimity based on ...
Buddhist Death Practices (Transcript of ) Tahn Pamutto, May 2024 Hello, everybody. Today, something a little different. Recently, I've ...
A brief 360 degree video transporting you to Mt. Zion Cemetary in Brooklyn, NYC. Sitting among generations of the departed, ...
Vihara Parivara Dhamma's weekly Sunday morning program. This week's topic: "Sickness and Health" by Bhante Pamutto. "I am of the ...
Lots of gratitude to the generous and devoted community here at Parivara Dhamma. Even in the midst of a blizzard ...
A recording of last Sunday's Vipada livestream, with talk by Bhante J on 'Qualities of Dhamma'. Q & A with ...
Following on from Bhante J's talk last Sunday (link coming soon) on the Qualities of Dhamma, Vihara Parivara Dhamma has ...


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