Author name: Tahn Pamutto

January Update

For most of my monastic life, January has been a time of moving inward. Many monastic communities see this as the necessary time for deep retreat; with cold temperatures and long nights the conditions seem perfect for lots of formal practice. So it’s been a pleasant break from the norm to see the birth of

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The Refuge of Dhamma

Following on from Bhante J’s talk last Sunday (link coming soon) on the Qualities of Dhamma, Vihara Parivara Dhamma has produced professionally captured and edited dhamma talks to share. Tahn Pamutto speaks on the Dhamma, beginning with an introduction to the Theravada Pali Canon and culminating in an explanation of the higher dhamma we wake

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Tea with Tahn

Feel free to stop by this evening from 7pm-8pm EST for an informal tea chat session amongst spiritual friends. Or join the Wednesday evening meditation from 8-8:45. Information is on the Meditations/Events page!

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