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Tahn Pamutto reflects on the major teaching found throughout all strands of Buddhist thought - that of the categorizing of ...
In response to a question on 'jhana', by Tahn Pamutto on June 12 2024: What is jhana?  Jhana is... Well ...
On the Uposatha, Tahn Pamutto reflects on the wide and impactful subject of kamma or Action. The three types (Mental, ...
(Excerpt from Wednesday chat, May 2024) Tahn Pamutto:  The Buddha talks about “equanimity based on diversity” and “equanimity based on ...
Buddhist Death Practices (Transcript of ) Tahn Pamutto, May 2024 Hello, everybody. Today, something a little different. Recently, I've ...
At times it feels like there are two different narratives going on around spiritual practice - the clear, direct, meditative ...
Recently I was traveling with a friend when I was asked a perennial Theravada Buddhist question – “Can laypeople become ...
I’ve heard a story – probably much embellished by this point – that once there was a new Dhamma Hall ...
There is no force in nature like desire! It’s been over a week since Upavana’s new wheeled dhamma center arrived ...
Following the gathering at the end of May commemorating the Buddhist holiday of Vesak, there's been a lot of interest ...


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