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Tahn Pamutto reflects on the major teaching found throughout all strands of Buddhist thought - that of the categorizing of ...
In response to a question on 'jhana', by Tahn Pamutto on June 12 2024: What is jhana?  Jhana is... Well ...
On the Uposatha, Tahn Pamutto reflects on the wide and impactful subject of kamma or Action. The three types (Mental, ...
(Excerpt from Wednesday chat, May 2024) Tahn Pamutto:  The Buddha talks about “equanimity based on diversity” and “equanimity based on ...
Buddhist Death Practices (Transcript of ) Tahn Pamutto, May 2024 Hello, everybody. Today, something a little different. Recently, I've ...
This weeks Santigāmā family group was a chance for everyone to take a look at the parami of Energy, or ...
This week our family group was studying the parami of Sīla.  We started by asking the question, "What is Sīla?"  ...
Recently we hung a Buddhist flag in the meditation room in Shelburne.  Surprisingly, not everyone was familiar with it!  Though ...
Lately in our family group we’ve been going through the list of the ten parami’s. These qualities are considered perfections ...
This last Sunday our family group had the chance to take a field trip to the town of Wendell, the ...


The Seven Factors of Enlightenment daylong retreat was a success with many friends taking the time to spend their Saturday ...
On the Uposatha, Tahn Pamutto gives a reflection on the brahma-vihara of Mudita. This mind state translates as 'Gladness' or ...
On the Uposatha night, a sick Tahn Pamutto gives a reflection on how we can come to understand the ups ...
In this Uposatha talk, Tahn Pamutto provides encouragement in developing mindfulness, an essential component of the eightfold path, and describes ...
On the Uposatha, Tahn Pamutto offers a reflection on four streams of Puñña, or Merit: Dānā, Service, Instruction, and Bhāvana ...
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