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Tahn Pamutto reflects on the major teaching found throughout all strands of Buddhist thought - that of the categorizing of ...
In response to a question on 'jhana', by Tahn Pamutto on June 12 2024: What is jhana?  Jhana is... Well ...
On the Uposatha, Tahn Pamutto reflects on the wide and impactful subject of kamma or Action. The three types (Mental, ...
(Excerpt from Wednesday chat, May 2024) Tahn Pamutto:  The Buddha talks about “equanimity based on diversity” and “equanimity based on ...
Buddhist Death Practices (Transcript of ) Tahn Pamutto, May 2024 Hello, everybody. Today, something a little different. Recently, I've ...
There are many possible reasons to get involved with the lifestyle and practice of the Buddha’s teachings. For some it ...
A visual walkthrough of sutta MN 38 - the Conditionality of Consciousness! MN 38 – Part One Consciousness – ...
Life is full of traps. In order for a trap to be effective, it has to be appealing.  So it ...
Blessedly, in this modern day fewer and fewer get severed limb from limb by bandits. We deal with more mundane ...
During the last of the September Daylongs, Tahn Pamutto opens by reflecting on the theme of the day: Vipassana. This ...


Tahn Pamutto provides a thorough instruction in the aspect of Mindfulness of the Body known as the '32 Parts' Contemplation ...
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Tahn Pamutto continues reflecting on the practice of cultivating Emptiness. In the early stages it's just like any other method ...
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Tahn Pamutto opens the daylong reflecting on Emptiness: where the idea comes from, what it has developed into, and how ...
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After discussions and lunch, Tahn Pamutto continues reflecting on Right Effort. In order to understand our goals in life we ...
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Tahn Pamutto begins the daylong with two classic definitions of Right Effort as part of the Eightfold Path, explaining how ...
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Unproductive Kammax by LR

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