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Tahn Pamutto reflects on the major teaching found throughout all strands of Buddhist thought - that of the categorizing of ...
In response to a question on 'jhana', by Tahn Pamutto on June 12 2024: What is jhana?  Jhana is... Well ...
On the Uposatha, Tahn Pamutto reflects on the wide and impactful subject of kamma or Action. The three types (Mental, ...
(Excerpt from Wednesday chat, May 2024) Tahn Pamutto:  The Buddha talks about “equanimity based on diversity” and “equanimity based on ...
Buddhist Death Practices (Transcript of ) Tahn Pamutto, May 2024 Hello, everybody. Today, something a little different. Recently, I've ...
Keep an eye on Unproductive Kammax at the bottom of the main page and at Dhamma Comics for some beautiful ...
This last Wednesday we had a lively conversation around the topic of our mental landscape - small worldly concerns becoming ...
(This story and reflection come from a session of Upavana's online “Lay Sangha Chat”, held on the first and last ...
The family group has collectively decided to take a look at one of the quintessential buddhist teachings: the Four Noble ...
This week the Santigama family group got back together after a long summer hiatus, and we finished our look at ...


In the second talk of the 'Only Suffering That Arises' daylong, Tahn Pamutto continues the exploration of what it means ...
/ / Talks
This phrase, "It's Only Suffering That Arises, Only Suffering That Ceases", encompasses the realization of the enlightened beings. But what ...
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[This talk was also given as a dhamma talk at the Long Island Buddhist Meditation Center.  The video recording can ...
/ / Reflections, Talks
On the Uposatha, Tahn Pamutto reflects on the core understanding of the Four Noble Truths - that we practice not ...
On this Uposatha evening, Tahn Pamutto reflects on the Eighth Factor of the Eightfold Path - that of Samadhi. Samadhi ...
Unproductive Kammax by LR
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